International Conference “Demography Dividend and Youth : Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Agenda”

International Conference “Demography Dividend and Youth : Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Agenda”

Satu lagi peluang untuk mengikuti seminar internasional. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik UGM menyelenggarakan seminar internasional bertajuk “Demography Dividend and Youth : Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Agenda". Seminar ini mengundang pembicara : Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak. (Menristekdikti) Muhammad Hanif Dhakiri, S.Ag,. M.Si. (Menaker) Pembicara lain yang hadir diantaranya : Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, MBA,. MMT. (Menteri Perindustrian) Dr. Annete Sachs Robertson (UNFPA-Representative) Prof. Mark Considine (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne) Dr. Soni Sumarsono, MDM. (Dirjen Otonomi Daerah) Agus Susanto (BPJS)   IMPORTANT DATES: February 1, 2017                               Call for Abstracts March 17, 2017                                  Deadline Abstracts April 3, 2017                                        Announcement of Acceptance Abstracts June 9, 2017                                       Full Papers Deadline April 10-30, 2017                               Early Bird Payment May 1-31 July, 2017                         Regular Payment   Info selengkapnya :
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Integrating GIS into Forest Resources Spatial Management and Planning (1) – Introduction

Integrating GIS into Forest Resources Spatial Management and Planning (1) – Introduction

This article is summarized and concluded from articles as follow: (1) Making GIS Work in Forest Management by Manij Upadhyay, unpublished work. (2) A Hierarchical Approach to Spatial Forest Planning by Ugo Feunekes and Andrew Cogswell, USDA Forest Service, Proceeding (3) HCVF/A Identify Within Ecoregion; Integrating Conservation Planning into Regional Spatial Planning by Barano Siswa Sulistyawan, WWF Indonesia, (4) Assessing participatory GIS for community-based natural resources management: claiming community forests in Cameroon by Michael K. McCall and Peter A. Minang, The Geography Journal Volume 171 No.(4) pages 283-306, 2010   Introduction Integrating GIS into Forest Resources Spatial Management and Planning (1) - As Indonesia becomes the third highest biodiversity country, it is important for Indonesian to conserve its forest resources. Since, without any simultaneous conservation strategies and sustainable use of forest resources, all advantageous for nation development will be vanished no more than a few years. Concerns over the impacts of forest operations on the forest landscape have compelled a number of agencies to take initiatives to address these issues (Feunekes and Cogswell, 1993)....
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The 8th International Conference and Field Study Rural Research and Planning Group

The 8th International Conference and Field Study Rural Research and Planning Group

The 8th International Conference and Field Study Rural Research and Planning Group - Fakultas Geeografi menyelenggarakan Konferensi Internasional dan Kunjungan Lapangan bagi pemerhati, pegiat maupun peneliti bidang Pembangunan Desa. Kegiatan tersebut akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 16-17 Mei 2017. Tema seminar adalah "Innovations of Rural Development for Implementing Sustainable Development Goals.". Kegiatan ini akan menghadirkan keynote speaker Eko Putro Sandjojo, BSEE., M.BA. ( Menteri Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi Indonesia). Dikutip dari laman, konferensi internasional ini dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan kesempatan bagi peserta untuk saling bertukar gagasan dan pengalaman tentang hasil studi terbaru dan implementasinya serta meningkatkan arus tukar informasi dan kolaborasi antara pegiat pembangunan desa. Salah satu tujuan diadakannya konferensi ini adalah sebagai kontribusi dalam inovasi pengembangan desa dalam konteks realisasi Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dear Colleagues, It is a great honor for Universitas Gadjah Mada -especially Development Geography Department, Faculty of Geography- as the newest member of Rural Research and Planning Group (RRPG) to host the 8th International Conference and Field Study Rural Research and...
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THIESSEN POLYGON AND ISOHYET CONTOUR METHODS FOR MEASURE AND COMPARE THE PRECIPITATION MEAN A brief practical report   Below is the example of the precipitation mean measurement using thiessen polygon, and isohyet contour methods. Both methods is commonly used in climatology.  The result of thiessen polygon and isohyet contour methods shown in figures below : Tabel 1. Measurement of precipitation depth using Thiessen Polygon Station 24-hours Total Area Weighted ppt (mm) unit (%) (mm) A 78 0.05 0.3 24.04438964 B 115 1.7 10.5 1205.302096 C 140 3.8 23.4 3279.901356 D 165 2.1 12.9 2136.251541 E 150 0.95 5.9 878.5450062 F 90 3.4 21.0 1886.559803 G 175 1.8 11.1 1942.046856 H 155 2.42 14.9 2312.577065 Total 1068 16.22   13665.22811 ∑ Pn The average of preciputation depth = ∑ area                                                          = 13665.23 / 16.22                                                                      = 842.4925 mm   Tabel 2. Measurement of precipitation depth using Isohyet Contour Station Group Total Area Weighted ppt Median unit (%) (mm) 80 - 90 85 0.02 0.092208391 7.837713232 90 - 100 95 0.27 1.244813278 118.2572614 100 - 110 105 2.1 9.681881051 1016.59751 110 - 120 115 2.5 11.52604887 1325.49562 120 - 130 125 3.5 16.13646842 2017.058552 130 - 140 135 5.2 23.97418165 3236.514523 140 - 150 145 3.7 17.05855233 2473.490088 150 - 160 155 1.9 8.759797142 1357.768557 160 - 170 165 0.7 3.227293684 532.5034578 170 - 180 175 1.8 8.298755187 1452.282158 Total 1300 21.69   13537.80544 ∑ Pn The average of precipitation depth = ∑ area                                                          = 13537.8 / 21.69                                                                      = 624.15 mm   CONCLUSION The result showed the difference between both measurement. This may happen when we use a bigger grid size. The accuracy decrease since the grid cannot cover the area border precisely . Thiessen Polygon Method is simpler than isohyets contour. Isohyet method is more complex and may...
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Mahasiswanya Kreatif, 129 PKM UGM Terima Hibah DIKTI

Mahasiswanya Kreatif, 129 PKM UGM Terima Hibah DIKTI

Mahasiswa harus kreatif! Tidak hanya cukup pintar di bidang akademik, mahasiswa juga dituntut untuk selalu berpikiran luas. Indeks Prestasi yang tinggi akan semakin lengkap bila mahasiswa juga cerdas menciptakan peluang. Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa menjadi salah satu kanal fasilitasi yang disediakan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) bagi para mahasiswanya. Tahun ini, UGM berhasil meloloskan 129 proposal mahasiswanya dalam Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM). Seluruh proposal tersebut berhasil mendapatkan dana hibah PKM dari Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti). “129 proposal PKM UGM berhasil memperoleh dana dari Dikti dari total 935 proposal yang kami ajukan,” kata Kasubdit Kreativitas Mahasiswa Direktorat Kemahasiswaan UGM, Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Jumat (10/3) dikutip dari laman berita kampus. Sebanyak 129 PKM yang didanai tersebut terdiri dari 23 PKM Kewirausahaan, 26 PKM Karsa Cipta, 8 PKM Pengabdian Masyarakat, 56 PKM Penelitian Eksakta, 12 PKM Penelitian Sosial Humaniora, serta 4 PKM Teknologi. Berkaitan dengan hal ini, pihak kampus akan melanjutkan fasilitasi agar program-program kreativitas mahasiswa ini juga lolos dalam dari penilaian reviewer Dikti dan berhak maju ke PIMNAS...
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