Community Participatory in Watershed Management References [7]

Community Participatory in Watershed Management References [7]

REFERENCE Johnson, N., Ravnborg, H. M., Westerman, O. & Probst, K. (2001). User participation in watershed management and research.Water Policy, 3(6), 507–520. Kerr, J. (2002). Watershed development, environmental services and poverty alleviation in India. World Development, 30(8), 1387–1400. Pretty, J. & Shah, P. (1999). Soil and water conservation: a brief history of coercion and control. In: Fertile Ground: The Impacts of Participatory Watershed Management. (Hinchcliffe, F., Thompson, J., Pretty, J. N., Guijt, I. & Shah, P. (Eds.)). London: Intermediate Technology Publications, Ltd, pp. 1–12 Swallow, B. M., Garrity, D.P. & van Noordwijk, M. (2001). The effects of scales, flows and filters on property rights and collective action in watershed management. Water Policy, 3(6), 457–474. Webler, T., Tuler, S., (2001), Public Participation in Watershed Management Planning: Views on Process from People in the Field, Human Ecology Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, Society for Human Ecology   Community Participatory in Watershed Management...
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Community Participatory in Watershed Management [6]

Community Participatory in Watershed Management [6]

Discussion on Participatory Factors Webler and Tuler (2001) elaborated discussion on participatory factors including four factors mentioned as follows :  Factor A: A good process is credible and legitimate At the heart of this perspective lies a deep concern for ensuring the process is widely seen as credible and legitimate. Policies are more implementable if they are popularly accepted and only a credible and legitimate process can acquire this level of support.  In this perspective, a credible and legitimate process validates itself through process features such as being respectful to the publics and open at every step.  It shows respect and an authentic willingness to learn from the public by seeking out and valuing local knowledge and experiences. In addition to these process design features, a good process acquires public support for watershed planning through education and outreach.  Of foremost importance is that people have an awareness of the watershed, its problems, and the policies being implemented.  Watershed planning is greatly furthered when publics...
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Community Participatory in Watershed Management [5]

Community Participatory in Watershed Management [5]

Pitfalls Regarding Local Characteristics The lesson learn of Ralegan Siddhi might be experienced differently in other places. Some pitfalls that must be deliberately in mind are: Reflections on The Experience and Insights Gained - Community Participatory in Watershed Management [4] Though there has been tremendous improvement in the status of women and much has been done yet more remains to be done to involve them fully in the process. This means that women development needs specialized and extra effort. There is no effort towards the development of agro-based rural/small scale industries to enhance the value of the products and keep the participation of the people intact. The managerial capability is weak and it is reflected in the failure of cloth cutting and tailoring scheme and thereby weakening the participating of women. It is not easy to find a devote and committed leader like Anna Hazare in the second generation to keep the process going. His effort to choose a leader so far remains unresponded. ...
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Community Participatory in Watershed Management [4]

Community Participatory in Watershed Management [4]

Reflections on The Experience and Insights Gained The insights gained from the experience of Ralegan Siddhi may be identified as below: Approaches/methods Used for People's Participation - Community Participatory in Watershed Management [3] Involvement and participation of the people is possible provided there is a committed and sincere leadership to educate, organize and motivate the people for the attainment of a common goal. Voluntary action either by an individual or people is an extremely vital factor to promote, facilitate and catalyze people's participation in sustainable village development. A mix of commitment with flexibility, sensitivity, innovativeness and autonomy are essential for success. Holistic approaches to people's participation in sustainable development are necessary for involving people whole heartedly. The approach being employed must have the potential to generate the spirit of cooperation, caring and sharing, adjustment, harmony, self-help, self-reliance and special emphasis on the resource poor farmers particularly women. Need-based planned initiatives and their proper priorization by the people themselves through democratic decisions with focus on...
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Community Participatory in Watershed Management [2]

Community Participatory in Watershed Management [2]

Participation of Resource Poor Farmers in Ralegan Siddhi, India The agricultural land in the country is owned by individuals, where as large irrigation schemes are owned by the Government. Rich farmers have their own irrigation structures - tanks, lift devices or tube wells. The resource poor farmers can hardly afford to utilize costly inputs. Besides, only about 40% of the people have access to land which also suffers from skewed distribution pattern. 49% of the cultivated land belong to 10% of farmers with large holdings of 4 ha and more (1985-86). Only 13 % of the land belongs to 50 % of the farmers with marginal holdings of one ha or less. The common lands too are often encroached by rich farmers. Introduction - Community Participatory in Watershed Management [1] Unequal access to land, water and other resources is a major constraint to people's participation in true sense in many places. This is in two forms: First, extensively large cultivated farms. Secondly, due to hereditary...
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