Integrating GIS into Forest Resources Spatial Management and Planning (4) – Integrating Conservation Planning Into Regional Spatial Planning (Case Study of WWF Indonesia)
This article is summarized and concluded from articles as follow:
(1) Making GIS Work in Forest Management by Manij Upadhyay, unpublished work.
(2) A Hierarchical Approach to Spatial Forest Planning by Ugo Feunekes and Andrew Cogswell, USDA Forest Service, Proceeding
(3) HCVF/A Identify Within Ecoregion; Integrating Conservation Planning into Regional Spatial Planning by Barano Siswa Sulistyawan, WWF Indonesia,
(4) Assessing participatory GIS for community-based natural resources management: claiming community forests in Cameroon by Michael K. McCall and Peter A. Minang, The Geography Journal Volume 171 No.(4) pages 283-306, 2010
Previous Section - A Hierarchical Approach to Spatial Forest Planning to Create Harvest Blocks (Case study of Remsoft)
Integrating Conservation Planning Into Regional Spatial Planning (Case Study of WWF Indonesia)
Integrating GIS into Forest Resources Spatial Management and Planning (4) -- The concept on High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) has introduced by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in 1999. Now, this approach is adopting in several country for strengthen conservation efforts and reducing natural forest conversion especially in outside protected area. The toolkit has also applied in oil palm concession,...