THIESSEN POLYGON AND ISOHYET CONTOUR METHODS FOR MEASURE AND COMPARE THE PRECIPITATION MEAN A brief practical report   Below is the example of the precipitation mean measurement using thiessen polygon, and isohyet contour methods. Both methods is commonly used in climatology.  The result of thiessen polygon and isohyet contour methods shown in figures below : Tabel 1. Measurement of precipitation depth using Thiessen Polygon Station 24-hours Total Area Weighted ppt (mm) unit (%) (mm) A 78 0.05 0.3 24.04438964 B 115 1.7 10.5 1205.302096 C 140 3.8 23.4 3279.901356 D 165 2.1 12.9 2136.251541 E 150 0.95 5.9 878.5450062 F 90 3.4 21.0 1886.559803 G 175 1.8 11.1 1942.046856 H 155 2.42 14.9 2312.577065 Total 1068 16.22   13665.22811 ∑ Pn The average of preciputation depth = ∑ area                                                          = 13665.23 / 16.22                                                                      = 842.4925 mm   Tabel 2. Measurement of precipitation depth using Isohyet Contour Station Group Total Area Weighted ppt Median unit (%) (mm) 80 - 90 85 0.02 0.092208391 7.837713232 90 - 100 95 0.27 1.244813278 118.2572614 100 - 110 105 2.1 9.681881051 1016.59751 110 - 120 115 2.5 11.52604887 1325.49562 120 - 130 125 3.5 16.13646842 2017.058552 130 - 140 135 5.2 23.97418165 3236.514523 140 - 150 145 3.7 17.05855233 2473.490088 150 - 160 155 1.9 8.759797142 1357.768557 160 - 170 165 0.7 3.227293684 532.5034578 170 - 180 175 1.8 8.298755187 1452.282158 Total 1300 21.69   13537.80544 ∑ Pn The average of precipitation depth = ∑ area                                                          = 13537.8 / 21.69                                                                      = 624.15 mm   CONCLUSION The result showed the difference between both measurement. This may happen when we use a bigger grid size. The accuracy decrease since the grid cannot cover the area border precisely . Thiessen Polygon Method is simpler than isohyets contour. Isohyet method is more complex and may...
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